DIY Pet Enrichment
Let’s change pet’s lives with DIY enrichment projects! Challenge pet parents to turn their pet’s same old-same old day into something new and sniffably exciting. Bust pet boredom with 2 Mad-Lib type blogs on creating DIY toys for either dogs or cats, and the magic of toy rotation – plus TWO bonuses this month - a Bonus blog on why “ugly” pets are especially beautiful and a social series on prepping your pet for fear-free summer fireworks. Share upcycled pet toys far and wide with our flyers and infographics (2 each). Energize your July social content with National Lost Pet Prevention Month, National Kitten Day, National Pet Photography Day, and six more customizable celebration graphics in four color themes. Don’t worry about trending hashtags, images, or social shareable text – we’ve got your back! Use our 2 Brand-Building social posts to shine a Spotlight on a special client or partner, or use one (or all) of our 3 pet business ideas to create an Instagram Reel or carousel post that shares a special “Thanks” and boosts shares.
x 3 -
Newsletters / Fliers
x 2 -
x 2 -
Social Templates
x 11 -
x 12 -
Seasonal Graphics
July Holidays -
Bonus: Social Series
x 5 Posts Keeping Fear Out of Fireworks Season -

Totally Individual
Just Like You.
All of our copy is cleverly 'fill in the blank' customizable and all graphics + photos come in 4 colour-ways, so you can always pick the one that's just right for your brand.
Write your awesome label here.