New Pet Decision Time
There are lots of big decisions in the life of a pet parent, and getting in front of pet parents when they’re making these decisions can mean gaining a client for the life of that pet. These can include when is the right time to get a new pet – and when they do – what sort of pet is right for their home? Yes, puppies are adorable – but how can you help potential clients ensure they have the kind of lifestyle that can cope with the required investments of time and money in a brand new baby? Plus, if they do add another critter to the mix, it may mean it’s time to add another key petpreneur into the mix – a new dog walker, pet sitter or maybe a new photographer if you want to document your new arrival – how can they go about picking the right service provider for their family? Use this month’s templates to help potential pet parents make these decisions and get in front of them at that key time - when they really need some help.
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Newsletters / Fliers
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Social Templates
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Seasonal Graphics
August Holidays -
Bonus: Welcome Email Series

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Just Like You.
All of our copy is cleverly 'fill in the blank' customizable and all graphics + photos come in 4 colour-ways, so you can always pick the one that's just right for your brand.
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